Pickle Street will provide service to all goats, whether you have a large flock or a single pet. To learn more about the various services that we provide please click the appropriate link, or scroll down to see all of the services. This is not an exhaustive list of the services we can offer you, please contact us if you have any questions.
Annual Wellness Exam/VaccinationsAnnual wellness exams are important to ensure that your goat is healthy, and allows you to spot potential problems before they arise. We will also work with you to develop vaccination programs that are tailored to your individual goat or your entire herd.
We will perform many types of surgeries including: cesarean section, hernia repair, castrations, dehorning and gomer surgeries in billy goats.
Day or night, if there is an emergency situation with one of your animals you can rely on us for quality emergency care. Please visit this site for our emergency policies.
Due to most medications not being labeled for goats, a valid veterinary client patient relationship is required to legally use these drugs in an extra label use. We can help you obtain the necessary medications in a way that is not only legal but will keep you safe in a world of changing regulations.
The largest opponent of goat producers are parasites and they are becoming more resistant by the day. Let us help you control these pests with our parasite management program which include fecal egg counts and selective dewormer applications that will keep your goat healthy and these products working for years to come.
Not only can we can help develop disease identification and treatment protocols that work with your farm's management style, but we can help train your employees in the proper way to complete the steps in each one.
Ultrasound can be used to determine which does are pregnant as well as how many kids each doe is carrying. This is important so you can prevent pregnancy toxemia by providing more feed to the does with extra kids.
We offer a mastitis culturing service that is not only affordable, but will allow producers to decrease their antibiotic costs by selecting drugs that the mastitis pathogens are susceptible to.
Although nobody likes it when an animal is lost, a wealth of information can be discovered. Through necropsy, we can help answer these questions that will prevent future causes of mortality. Depending on the situations surrounding the death we can also discuss collecting samples to send for further analysis.
The main goal of our industry is to produce safe wholesome dairy and meat products for the general public to consume. Dr Reinart has completed a masters degree in Food Safety, and he can help you navigate the increased scrutiny being placed on food safety and antibiotic residues and help you ensure that your product will continue to be safe.
Nothing is more detrimental to a breeding operation than learning at fall pregnancy checks that your stud was sterile. Let us check the fertility of the goat before you trust an entire year's worth of kids to an unknown commodity.
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