Whither you have a herd of 10,000 cattle or a single fair steer, Pickle Street is proud to work on herds of all sizes. To learn more about the various services that we provide please click the appropriate link, or scroll down to see all of the services. This is not an exhaustive list of the services we can offer you, please contact us if you have any questions.
Ultrasonic Reproductive ExaminationUltrasound can be used to detect pregnancies earlier than by using traditional palpation. Ultrasonic evaluation can detect pregnancies after day 28 and can also be used to determine if the fetus is viable. Ultrasound can also be used to more accurately determine ovarian structures so appropriate synch programs can be selected.
We will perform many types of surgeries done in a standing position including surgeries to correct left and right sided displaced abomasum, cesarean section and abdominal explore. We will also perform hernia repair, castrations, dehorning and gomer surgeries in bulls.
Day or night, if there is an emergency situation with one of your animals you can rely on us for quality emergency care. Please visit this site for our emergency policies.
Not only can we can help develop disease identification and treatment protocols that work with your farm's management style, but we can help train your employees in the proper way to complete the steps in each one.
We can help you set up records to be able to monitor disease trends. This helps by limiting disease rates to an acceptable level as well as allowing you to stop massive disease outbreaks before they start.
We will help train your employees in the proper ways to carry out animal health tasks. We can also provide learning opportunities where we will talk about what they can do to prevent various diseases.
We offer a mastitis culturing service that is not only affordable, but will allow producers to decrease their antibiotic costs by selecting drugs that the mastitis pathogens are susceptible to. We will also comb through DHI records while looking at the whole farm to offer recommendations on how to get those quality premiums.
A critical time in the life of any bovine is the first few months. We will help you set up a calf health program that will give them a solid foundation to start their productive life. We can help you with colostrum management, housing, disease prevention, castrations and dehorning.
Although nobody likes it when an animal is lost, a wealth of information can be discovered. Through necropsy, we can help answer these questions that will prevent future causes of mortality. Depending on the situations surrounding the death we can also discuss collecting samples to send for further analysis.
The main goal of our industry is to produce safe wholesome dairy and meat products for the general public to consume. Dr Reinart has completed a masters degree in Food Safety, and he can help you navigate the increased scrutiny being placed on food safety and antibiotic residues and help you ensure that your product will continue to be safe.
Nothing is more detrimental to a cow/calf operation than learning at fall pregnancy checks that your bull was sterile. Let us check the fertility of the bull before you trust an entire year's worth of calves to an unknown commodity.
As the management on farms continue to improve, it opens the door for genotyping and genetic evaluation to help producers succeed in the 21st century. Genotyping can let you know what heifers have the best chance to be productive members of the herd and who should be sold early. With genotyping you will also never have to wonder who sired a particular animal. Even on the most well managed farm, you can have up to 30% misidentified sires. We can help you collect, organize and submit the samples for you as your farm utilizes this new technology.
Ventilation is very important for the health and welfare of your animals. Stale air is loaded with bacteria that leads to respiratory disease. Positive Pressure Ventilation Tubes can be used to supplement naturally ventilated barns, or can even be used in barns currently without ventilation. We can help design systems that will help keep your animals breathing easier.
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